You no longer have the old indicators like pain that tell you are injured in some way. It's likely you have no normal sensation on a good part of your body. Your body however, still wants you to know when something is wrong and will find other ways to let you know.
Now these are by no means scientifically proven, but just my experience and that of some other quads. Examples are repeated spasms... it could be your leg that is having spasms for example, which might mean you have a toe squashed uncomfortably in your shoe. A warm almost mild feverish feeling might mean that you're sitting uncomfortably, or are feeling an impending infection. The weirdest one is sweating on your forehead, on one side only. This usually means something a bit more severe. Left side sweats mean right side injury, and right side sweats mean left side injury.
You'll learn to understand the signs that your body develops over time, and some will seem weird....
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